Evolvefy is growing! We welcome Angelica Tringolo Kjellström, our new HR specialist and advisor

We are thrilled to have Angelica on board with our team! Her expertise in HR and Project Management will be a part of our efforts to develop sustainable structural processes and efficient workflows for our clients as part of Evolvefy's Accounting Services. Angelica has worked in many different industries and with organisations undergoing development. More information about Angelica and our HR services will be available soon.

Marlene Blomquist Börjesson

Evolvefy helps entrepreneurs and business leaders in growing companies to build financial structural capital to realise their growth plans. Our services include:

• Growth analysis
• CFO/BC/FC interim
• Executive search
• Risk management
• Accounting services

We want to help our clients find the right solutions from the beginning.
Many companies bring CFO expertise too late in the game, and we make it possible for more companies to get it in earlier. Bringing business strategic financial expertise or accelerating existing knowledge at the right time is crucial for growth. If a company is in the early stages of its journey, a few hours of support per week may suffice, but the need increases rapidly as the company enters the scale-up phase. If a company has progressed, it usually needs a permanent CFO or one to be hired full-time. External factors such as a pandemic, war, or financial crisis can also hinder growth, so it's essential to have a plan for these contingencies. Let us help your company avoid pitfalls and find the right solution based on your company's maturity.

Evolvefy helps entrepreneurs and business leaders in growing companies build financial structural capital to realise their growth plans. When a company grows, the finance function shifts, and the need for CFO expertise depends on the company's phase. This is where things can often go wrong and become very costly. That's why we exist. Our concept is based on flexible and tailored solutions. We offer Growth Analysis, CFO Interim, Recruitment, Risk Management, and Accounting Services.

Angelica Tringolo Kjellström